Pacific Ocean Fish Species – a Spectacular List in the Largest Ocean of 5

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Last Updated on March 12, 2024 by Jeremy

The Pacific ocean is vast, covering an area of 165,250,000 making it cover 46% of the Earth’s water surface.

This ocean is also the deepest, with its deepest part, Challenger Deep, in the Mariana trench, a staggering 10,928 meters (35,853 ft) below surface.

But, don’t worry because its mean depth is only 4,000 meters (13,000 ft).

With deep abysses throughout the Pacific ocean, it makes me wonder what other Pacific ocean fish species are lingering in the depths or what could be spotted swimming around the sunny reefs closer to the surface?

With such an expansive area to cover, I will break it down further into 3 sections: East Asia, North Pacific and Oceania.

Each category will be broken down further into countries so it would be easier to locate and only a select few species of fish will make this list.

There are simply too many to put on one list without it making it too educational and informative.

East Asia

This area covers China, Taiwan, Japan, North Korea, South Korea and Mongolia. Certainly, there will be many types of species within this list. Some you may have heard of, others, perhaps not.

~ To truly get a visual within each species you will notice certain fish that are underlined, simply scroll over and click the names to be directed to pictures. ~

pacific ocean fish species - Chinese Sturgeon



  • Red dragonet
  • Black margined-scale sergeant
  • Banded houndshark
  • Blacktip saw tail cat shark
  • Taiwanese barbel moray
  • Dwarf gulper shark
  • Long-bodied snake eel


  • Japanese angelfish
  • Japanese pygmy seahorse
  • Birdbeak dogfish
  • Bramble shark
  • Purple chimaera (AKA Purple ghost shark)
  • Crowned seahorse
  • Lunartail puffer
  • Snowflake moray

North and South Korea

  • Alaska pollock
  • Blackfin sea bass
  • Korean splendid dace
  • Pacific cod
  • Northern snakehead
  • Olive flounder
  • Korean seahorse


* Most of the species are freshwater with an exception*

The North Pacific

This area covers the west side of North America coast along Canada and the United States south to the equator.

I have already referenced some marine mammals of North America in this article: North American Wildlife Animals – Over 457 Amazing Creatures! – Everything Nature and More, but here is the remaining list below.

~ Note: you can scroll over certain highlighted and underlined fish names to see the pictures of these species. ~

Pacific Halibut


This next section covers all the area around Australia. Again, it will be broken down into countries to make it more specific and organized.

Being the third and final “section” of the Pacific Ocean, as per Wikipedia, this will highlight some more entertaining looking species of fish. Some of which, I personally have never heard of. Let’s also see what some of them look like!

~ Scroll over the highlighted and underlined fish to get a linked to a picture. ~

New Guinea


  • Bright ghost shark
  • Green jobfish
  • Australasian snapper
  • Handfish
  • Solitary duckbill eel
  • Pygmy devil ray (long horned modula)
  • Coffinfish


  • Surgeonfish – Achilles surgeonfish, Dussumier’s surgeonfish, Lined surgeonfish, Whitebar surgeonfish
  • Banded angelfish
  • Black marlin
  • Doublespotted queenfish
  • White-spotted puffer
  • Butterfly fish – Teardrop butterfly fish, Threadfin butterfly fish
  • Spiny seahorse
  • Humuhumunukunukuapua’a (Hawaiian State FishPictured Above)


  • Blackside hawkfish
  • Trevally – Bumpnose trevally, Coachwhip trevally, Blue trevally, Malabar trevally, Shadow trevally
  • Bludger
  • Milkfish
  • Teardrop butterfly fish

New Caledonia

  • White-banded anemonefish
  • Bighead spurdog
  • Chesterfield Island stingaree
  • Catshark – Milk-eye cat shark, New Caledonia cat shark, Phallic cat shark, Starry cat shark, White-bodied cat shark, White-clasper cat shark
  • High-finned dragonet
  • Pointy-nosed blue chimaera
  • Tailspot lantershark

New Zealand

  • Big-belly seahorse
  • Leafscale gulp shark
  • New Zealand eagle ray
  • Tasmanian blenny
  • Velvet dogfish
  • Parore
  • Greenback horse mackerel


  • Aerolate grouper
  • Denise’s pygmy seahorse
  • Pink skunk clownfish
  • Humpback grouper
  • Mini cardinal fish
  • Titan triggerfish

Solomon Islands

  • Horned tentacle goby

Species Galore

The world is full of diversity both on land and in the water. The oceans, especially the Pacific ocean with its deep, dark secrets, will one day give us more to gaze upon in both wonder and curiosity, even when new species are discovered all the time.

Some of those fish might be glimpsed whilst snorkeling on vacation or it might be on a documentary where the scientists use remote controlled vehicles to access the depths.

Regardless, it can be agreed that fish are not only nice and bright to look at, but also tasty to eat when fished sustainably.

Without completely losing my mind, I will end this article here, as there are way too many species to cover not only in the Pacific Ocean, but in All the worlds oceans.

Feel free to read up on these articles for other fish species:

Atlantic Ocean Fish Species – Earth’s 2nd Largest Body of Wonder

Indian Ocean Fish Species – The 3rd Largest Ocean on the Planet!

Arctic Ocean Fish Species – Swimming in the World’s Smallest Ocean of 5 – Spectacular

Southern Ocean Fish Species – Swimming in the World’s 2nd Smallest Ocean

Until then, leave a comment relating to your favorite Pacific Ocean fish species, or send a photo of your encounter with one so we can add to our Nature Gallery – Everything Nature and More page! Email us:

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