What is Backyard Bird Watching? Observe a New Hobby in 2023!

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Last Updated on March 29, 2023 by Jeremy

What is Backyard bird watching one might wonder on this beautiful, sunny day? Simply put, it is a popular pastime for nature lovers and bird enthusiasts.

It involves the observation and identification of different bird species that frequently fly into our backyards, gardens, or into our freshly cleaned balcony windows.

Also, it can be referenced as a great way to connect with nature, learn about different birds and bird species, plus appreciate the wildlife that surrounds us.

Within today’s article, I want to explore what backyard bird watching is more in-depth, plus mention the benefits of it, as well as how to get started, and some useful resources for bird watchers.

What is Backyard Bird Watching?

As I hinted earlier, backyard bird watching is the act of observing and identifying different birds and bird species that visit your backyard, garden, balcony, or other area where you reside.

It can be an educationally fun experience as well as relaxing, as well, it allows you to connect with nature and appreciate the wildlife that surrounds us. More so, it’s a chance for you to see how different birds interact with each other and a chance for you to do some research for educational purposes.

A nice thing about it is, you don’t need any special equipment to start backyard bird watching, but a pair of binoculars, a bird feeder, and a field guide which could alternatively help enhance your experience.

Back yard Bird watching equipment

The Benefits of Backyard Bird Watching

Backyard bird watching has several benefits. Firstly, it’s a calming engagement that allows you to unwind and de-stress.

Next, it’s a great way to learn about different bird species and their behavior. It allows you to observe birds as they feed, mate, and nest, and record their behavior in a journal or notebook.

Last, backyard bird watching can be a fun and educational activity for kids. Children can learn about different bird species, their habitats, and their unique characteristics. They can even benefit from doing an experimental school-related project in recording this type of observation.

Between all three mentions, the biggest benefit of all is the connection to nature that backyard bird watching introduces. To clear one’s mind and get involved with what other creatures are doing, shows much communication between the next time you interact with birds.

This can be extremely useful in a situation of gardening for example, where you won’t need to adapt a scarecrow. You can communicate with the birds by watching their habits and adapting to what their needs are.

What is backyard bird watching? - watching for birds

How to Get Started with Backyard Bird Watching

If you’re interested in starting backyard bird watching, let me introduce to you some tips to get started:

  • Set up a bird feeder: A bird feeder is a great way to attract different bird species to your backyard. You can purchase a bird feeder from a local pet store, home and garden center, or online, and fill it with different types of birdseed to attract a variety of birds. Suet feeders make good bird attractants and the feed lasts for a while, or you could take the alternative route and get a window feeder. This would allow you to observe the bird without the aid of binoculars.
  • Plant native trees, shrubs, and flowers: Native plants provide food and shelter for birds, and can attract different bird species to your backyard. You can research which plants are native to your area, and plant them in your backyard or garden. One specific recommendation for research of finding which tree or plant is available in your area is to read an article about the best trees for windbreak. It may have suggestions that house certain birds and wildlife such as the Colorado blue spruce tree.
  • Provide a bird bath: Another thing birds need is a source of water for drinking and bathing. If you can provide a bird bath or fountain in your backyard to attract birds and provide them with water, they will appear and you’ll have an endless yard of birds to watch throughout the seasons. Key piece of advice however is to avoid having the water sit for too long in sunny days as the hot water can hurt the birds.

Bird eating food

When to Take Photos of Backyard Birds?

When it comes to taking pictures of your backyard birds, there are several locations you can consider. Suggestions are to set up a bird feeder in your backyard and place a camera nearby to capture photos of birds as they feed. The results can be like that of the image above, where a common sparrow is enjoying the seeds and grains it loves.

Another option would be to place a birdhouse or nesting box in your backyard and capture photos of birds as they nest and raise their young. A time lapse photo acquired from a GoPro set-up would make a wonderful set of images to watch, and therefor could be turned into a film.

See results of a video that captured this exact moment I’m referring to, as an American Bluebird builds a nest in under 4-minutes:

The last thing you could do is take photos of birds as they perch on tree branches, bird baths, or other objects in your backyard. This would require a steady hand and much patience to achieve the perfect shot. Reference to my article about Macro Photography and my Sony Camera review to learn more about taking that perfect photo or image.

Useful Resources for Backyard Bird Watching

If you’re interested in learning more about backyard bird watching or identifying different bird species, there are several resources you can use, here are 3 suggestions that could get you well on your way to doing something you might truly love:

  • The Cornell Lab of Ornithology – This website offers a wealth of information on birding, including bird identification tools, bird sounds, and bird behavior.
  • The Audubon Society – Is another website that is great for bird watchers, offering information on bird conservation, bird habitats, and local birding events.
  • The eBird – is also a useful resource, and it’s website allows you to record and track your bird sightings, among other things.


To come to a close, backyard bird watching is a fun, educational, and relaxing activity that allows you to connect with nature and appreciate the wildlife that surrounds us.

By following the above suggestions, you can enhance your experience and get the most out of this rewarding hobby. Remember to learn about different bird species, their habitats, and their behavior, and share your knowledge with others.

With some basic equipment, a bit of patience, and some useful resources, you can start enjoying the wonderful world of backyard bird watching.

Happy birding!

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