What is Hemp Seed Oil For? – Every Day Amazing Uses for 100% Healthier You!

hemp oil

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Last Updated on March 12, 2024 by Jeremy

We learned how beneficial hemp is, not only to the environment, but also in commercially manufactured products in my previous article about hemp plants.

This article is going to take it one step further by honing in on the hemp seed by asking questions like what is hemp seed oil for and what can it be used for?

What is Hemp Seed Oil for?

Hemp oil is obtained by pressing hemp seeds, which is a process called cold pressed – like how olive oil is made. Cold pressed is described as “a process in which a hydraulic press is used to extract liquid without the use of heat“. Fruits, nuts, and vegetables can be processed in the same manner.

Hemp oil can come in two different ways – refined hemp oil and unrefined hemp oil – with both offering pros and cons as well as both offering different uses.

what is hemp seed oil for?

Refined Hemp Oil

In order to get refined oil, it has to go through a heating process where it causes almost everything healthy in the unrefined oil to be destroyed.

There are a few processes in which the oil undergoes such as:

  • Distillation – this separates the matrix and the color based on the melting point, then a high temperature is reached destroying the thermolabile constituents (vitamins)
  • Decolorization – the freshly extracted oil undergoes the process of removing the dark green color using absorbents like carbon
  • Winterization – this process removes the wax and triglycerides that can cause greasiness. The steps required for this process then requires mixing the oil with an ethanolic solution, heating to then remove the solvent, to then freeze.

when it cools, wax and other triglycerides separate and can be collected with certain methods like decantation~

After the processes are complete, the hemp oil will come out with having no odor or taste, and a transparent, light green color.

Without the thermolabile constituents, the refined hemp oil becomes a great, sustainable raw material that: Paint

  • lacks odor
  • has a longer shelf life
  • costs less
  • less greasy

Because of this process, refined hemp oil used in commercial products like paints, oils, varnishes, and lubricants.

Other manufactured products that utilize refined hemp oil:

  • Plastics – by utilizing hemp oil, these plastics are eco friendly and biodegradable
  • Bio-fuels – hemp oil can be further refined to make fuels like ethanol, which is an additive to gasoline or can be used as a fuel source for some aircraft.

Unrefined Hemp Oil

By eliminating the refining process, unrefined hemp oil is obtained through methods like cold pressing hemp seeds. This way does not affect the vitamins, nor does it affect the physical properties like odor and color.

This also shortens the life span of the oil significantly:

  • 12 months unopened
  • 3-6 months opened

Uses for Unrefined Hemp Oil

~ Unrefined hemp oil has vitamins, minerals, and fats that are good for our skin and bodies which are:

  • Essential fatty acids – Omega 6 (gamma-linolenic acid), Omega 3 (alpha-linolenic acid), and linolenic acid presenting a ration of 3:1 which is ideal for health benefits.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids – Oleic acid and Stearidonic acid
  • Vitamins – vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin E
  • Antioxidants
  • Minerals – calcium, magnesium, potassium

~ Hemp oil can be ingested daily with recommended doses of 1-2 tablespoons per day. This can be done orally (by mouth) either by eating or drinking; to make the taste more acceptable, it is suggested incorporating the oil into smoothies, soups, or in salads.

*Unrefined hemp seed oil has a pleasant odor, dark green color, and a nutty flavor, but may develop a rancid taste closer to the expiration date. This is caused from the oxidation of fatty acids in the oil*

~ For healthy skin, the antioxidants in unrefined hemp oil is essential for slowing the rate of aging and making your skin radiant. Hemp oil is also beneficial in combating the symptoms of eczema as well as psoriasis, cradle cap and acne.

~ The Omega-3 that naturally occurs in this oil can reduce inflammation in those suffering from joint pain or diseases like arthritis.

~ Hemp oil has been studied more in understanding the power within the little seeds and one of those studies found that hemp oil can reduce the side effects from cancer treatments. The cannabidiol CBD, which is a cannabinoid, is partly responsible for these benefits and can come in forms like edibles, smoked or vaporizers.

Benefits of Fatty Acids:

  • For women, gamma-linolenic acid (Omega-6) helps balance hormones and ease the symptoms of PMS and Menopause.
  • Another benefit that comes from Omega-6, along with Omega-3, is that these fatty acids boost the immune system.

Omega-3 aids in improving moods by:

  • improving the symptoms of bipolar disorder
  • benefits people with ADHD

~ Fatty acids regulate the release of neurotransmitters, which play an essential role in disorders like anxiety and depression.

~ Fatty acids also play a pivotal role in the health of the nervous system and brain by ensuring proper communication happens through healthy myelin – a conductor that ensures that messages sent from one nerve reach another and their proper destination.

~ For a healthy heart, fatty acids like Omega-3 and Omega-6 are beneficial in lowering blood pressure, especially those with hypertension (high blood pressure) and reduces the “bad” cholesterol – LDL or low-density lipoprotein – which lowers the chances of heart attack or stroke.

Final Thoughts

Whether it’s in plant form, seed form, or as an oil, we know hemp is a power plant. Full of vitamins, minerals, and beneficial fatty acids, a couple tablespoons a day will improve overall body health – mind, joints, brain, heart. What can’t this oil benefit?

We know that taking just oil isn’t enough to keep a body healthy. We know that what we put into our bodies greatly affects the outcome of how our body performs.

So, on top of hemp oil every day, other tips to a healthier you look like:

  • eating more fruits and vegetables incorporated into a well-balanced diet
  • exercising for 30 minutes a day
  • walk within nature
  • meditation

Thank you for reading this article. If you have any stories of how hemp oil helped you, leave a comment below.

Earth is Heart